Make Scent: The Art of Buying a Good Cologne

By The Kenyan Bar Guy

Published on 25/11/2022

The old adage goes something like, ‘manners maketh man’. While it makes sense, the right way to put it is, ‘good scents maketh man’. Good scents make sense.  

Let’s face it, men do not have it easy. Whether it is shopping for shoes, clothes, or even finding a significant other we face the most trouble. We have a lot of pressure on our plates to always be at our best and the biggest pressure of them all is smelling nice. No one wants a guy walking around smelling like two weeks’ old sweat and a wet dumpster. Looks be damned, smell good and you are already leading the race. Now, the question is how do you smell good? What defines good? And can you do it on a budget?

When it comes to rules on fragrances, throw them right out of the window: don’t listen to the clichés, it has to do with everything you like. Embrace your tastes, because, what’s the point of smelling good to someone when your own scent revolts you? Now the next step comes in when you have to be a man, and we know men are supposed to hunt, hunting for your new signature fragrance. The one that sticks to your skin, induces memories in people you’ve met, and hugs you like you have just come home from army deployment.

It’s not scientific but here is a simple guide:

Own it but don’t overpower:

Let’s face it, we all love a person that smells good until we don’t because it feels like they soaked themselves overnight in a fragrance. The idea is to remain mysterious and leave a lingering air of that mystery while being memorable. You do not want your scent assaulting nostrils and hitting people straight in the face. So, while being generous is a good thing, be a little frugal when it comes to the application of a cologne. Less is better.

When it comes to first impressions, make sure what they see and smell got married in an attorney general’s office in the middle of the week and is starting a family with the money they would have spent on an overpriced reception.

How to choose:

Let your personality take the lead on this. There are many options out there and it can be confusing. Many fancy words may be used to describe different scents like fruity, spicy, and even woody. Men do not have the time to go into the details, you simply want to smell good, period. So simply, try as many testers as possible and find that fragrance you think complements you.

Price point:

Well, in this economy, most of us are not looking to break the bank. But, here’s something you should know: a good scent will come at a not-so-attractive cost. The kind of cost you would not look at twice or turn your head nudging your buddy to take a look. If you have a decent income and some shillings to spare then, you can go ahead and go for them. It is like an investment. It is not like that ka plot in Kamulu, it will not appreciate in value or secure you a bank loan in the future, but it is an investment in yourself. However, if you are still pulling coins, you have lots of options along any street in Nairobi where you can get a refill based on your budget. Plus, they claim to be designer so you are good to go.

Dress the part:

Smelling good is just the tip of the iceberg. But you definitely have to put in a bit more effort into how you look. Whether you are adorning sweat pants or putting on a 3-piece suit to impress clients make sure your scent matches your outfit. When it comes to first impressions, make sure what they see, and the smell got married in an attorney general’s office in the middle of the week and is starting a family with the money they would have spent on an overpriced reception.

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